
At Pitzer, Art is a powerful tool for informed and compelling expression, shaping a future where creativity meets purpose

an art professor helps a student with a painting

About this program

  • Our Art program has been part of the Pitzer’s unique, interdisciplinary approach for almost fifty years. 
  • Explore art as an interdisciplinary laboratory, making connections to environmental sustainability, intercultural understanding, community engagement, and personal expression. 
  • Our program is designed with a unique blend of four studio art faculty, one art historian, and one gallery director/curator working collaboratively. 
  • Our small class sizes prioritize meaningful interactions with faculty who are not only educators but also accomplished artists, writers, and curators.  
  • As you progress through our curriculum, you'll hone your professional development, culminating in showcasing your work at a senior exhibition.  

At a Glance

Degree Awarded

  • Bachelor of Arts

Field Group


Program Type

Area of Study

Art and Our Values

Pitzer’s core values are woven throughout all of our academic programs. Learn how our art program specifically addresses our core values of interdisciplinary learning and social responsibility.

Interdisciplinary Learning

35+ Art Courses

Your palette of course options is diverse. Painting, ceramics, photography, and moldmaking are just to name a few.

View Course Catalog
a student draws in the RRC art room

Social Responsibility

“It was cool to be a part of a gallery that has a large impact on the community around it and gives voice to marginalized groups through different exhibitions, performances, and installations.”

Marcus Jackson '22

Pitzer Art Galleries Fellow, Benjamin Godsill ’00 and Anna Burns Student Apprenticeship Award Recipient

20 Art Fellows Per Year

Fellows support meaningful dialogue and peer exchange around the social and cultural impact of contemporary art.

Pitzer Art Fellows

Get Involved

student looks at an art piece consisting of a piano and a long piece of sheet music

Student Fellows of Pitzer College Art Galleries

Student Fellows envision and create student-centered programming that reflects the Galleries’ mission of addressing equity, inclusion, and diversity through art.

Art Galleries Student Fellows
two students view a clay sculpture of a woman and cat


The Benjamin Godsill ‘00 and Anna Burns Student Apprenticeship Award provides first generation and students of color with opportunities for in-depth curatorial experiences.

Student Apprenticeship Award

Art Program Details

View Course Catalog

What you will learn

  1. How to intellegently speak about art and its accompanying vocabularies, histories, theories and philosophies.
  2. A variety of research methods and how to appropriately use them.
  3. How to discuss clearly and effectively about art, visual, and material culture.
  4. How to think critically about your art practice or art research and be able to refine and revise your work.
  5. How to define and catogorize your art practice and research within the context of an art related discipline. 
  6. How to present and show your work in a professional way. 

Learn More

Visit the Art Field Group page for more information and resources.

Art Field Group

Art engages critical and creative processes, concepts, and research strategies. The Pitzer art major emphasizes generative overlaps between the practices of making, theorizing, writing about, and exhibiting art. The art major is designed to provide students with not only the technical skills for working with a range of materials, but also the historical and conceptual grounding for practice as an artist, as well as for an art historian, critic, curator, or other visual arts-related pursuits. Students will also gain an understanding of the importance of historical and intercultural/global perspectives on art, and that to engage with the visual arts is to enter into an intellectual and object-oriented discourse with a long and varied history. The Pitzer Art Field Group and art majors benefit from a close working relationship with the Pitzer College Art Galleries.

The art major includes:

  • An interdisciplinary core (comprising six courses)
  • Two specialized tracks (three additional courses each)
  • Two-semester senior capstone sequence (a fall seminar and a spring project).

When declaring a major in art, students will choose either the Studio Art or Critical Studies track: 

The Studio Art track develops research methods, critical faculties, and technical knowledge preparing students for further work and graduate-level study in studio-based practices. 

The Critical Studies track emphasizes historical and theoretical perspectives, writing, and research methods preparing students for further work and graduate study-level in art history and other art-related academic fields including curatorial and museum studies, and art writing. 

Art majors are expected to take courses from both tracks as a part of the interdisciplinary core and then choose a track to focus on for their capstone work. In some cases a combination of tracks may prove valuable (see requirements below).

While the Art Field Groups recognize that many students will have prior experience in art classes at the high school level, students will normally take introductory level courses for the interdisciplinary core, and intermediate and advanced level courses for the three courses in each specialized track. Students should work with their advisors to distinguish between introductory level and advanced level classes, and ensure that they have the appropriate prerequisite classes or experience for intermediate and advanced classes, and also that they are progressing beyond the introductory level.

Because the Art major at Pitzer is already interdisciplinary, there is not an option for a combined major. The Art Field Group encourages students who are interested in fields that offer classes cross-listed with Art or Art History (including some classes in Classics, Environmental Analysis, or Media Studies for example) to declare a double major. Up to three classes that fulfill requirements in a second major can be used as part of an Art major.


All Art majors complete a two semester capstone sequence during their senior year. The fall semester, ART 189 PZ – Senior Seminar in Art, focuses on developing research and writing skills for all students, and developing individual projects for students in either the Studio or Critical Studies tracks that will be completed in the spring semester, ART 199 PZ – Senior Projects in Art. 

Individual senior projects are developed in consultation with the student’s advisor, and reflect the diversity of research and practice in art. For example, majors in the Studio track might choose to show artwork in the spring group exhibition, engage in a collaborative project with other majors, or develop an object-oriented exhibition project. Majors in the Critical Studies track might produce a research paper or other substantial writing project, or develop a historically or theoretically-oriented curatorial project. Normally, senior projects expand on work the student has successfully completed in a previous class or independent study.

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Student Learning Outcomes for All Majors in Art:
  • Gain knowledge of the vocabularies, histories, theories, and philosophies of art
  • Learn appropriate research methods • Learn how to communicate effectively about art, visual, and material culture
  • Be able to think critically about their practice, as an artist or researcher, and refine and revise their work
  • Define and categorize their practice and research within the context of an art related discipline
  • Demonstrate professionalism in the presentation and dissemination of their work

Requirements for the Major

The major consists of 11 courses; which includes a set of core requirements and the completion of a chosen track, Studio or Critical Studies, with course plan:

Core Requirements

Three Studio Art Courses

  • Courses should represent breadth of studio experience in three of four different media offered at Pitzer: Ceramics, Painting, Photography, and Sculpture. Students are encouraged to take introductory courses with Pitzer Faculty.
  • This may be fulfilled by any course with an ART prefix and any course cross-listed under ART in the course catalog. In addition, some courses in Environmental Analysis, Media Studies, Theatre, Dance, and other creative disciplines may satisfy this requirement with the approval of your advisor.

Three Historical and Theoretical Courses

  • Courses should represent breadth of historical and theoretical knowledge of art:
    • One course focused on a period before 1800
    • One course focused on a non-European culture or cultures (i.e, Asia, Africa, Oceania, or the Indigenous Americas)
    • One course focused on the theory or philosophy of art, or contemporary art since 1989
  • These may be fulfilled by courses with an ARHI prefix and any course cross-listed under ARHI in the course catalog. In addition some courses in Anthropology, Classics, Media Studies, and other academic fields may satisfy this requirement with the approval of your advisor.


 ART 189 PZ – Senior Seminar in Art

ART 199 PZ – Senior Projects in Art

Requirements for the Studio Track

Three additional studio courses with focus on competence in a single area. This will include at least one advanced course in the selected media and require you take at least one course with a member of the Pitzer Art Field Group. For advanced level work students should have developed familiarity with Pitzer studio facilities.

Requirements for the Critical Studies Track

Three additional historical or theoretical studies courses, including at least one class focused on a non-European culture or cultures (in addition to the non-European class taken as part of the Art Core Requirements). This will include at least one course with a member of the Pitzer Art Field Group.

Requirements for the Combined Studio and Critical Studies Track

Majors may elect to complete all the requirements for both the Studio and Critical Studies Track, and complete a single capstone (ART 189 and ART 199) with a project appropriate to their interests.


Three Studio Art Courses

This may be satisfied by any course with an ART prefix in the course catalog and any course cross-listed under ART in the course catalog.

Three Art History Courses

This may be satisfied by any course with an ARHI prefix in the course catalog and any course cross-listed under ARHI in the course catalog, including one class focused on a non-European culture or cultures, and one class focused on the theory or philosophy of art, or contemporary art, i.e., since 1989.

Any Art major may submit a proposal for Honors by the middle of the fall semester of their senior year with the supporting nomination of any faculty member within the AFG. 

Honors proposals will articulate a plan for an expanded capstone project that goes significantly beyond what is expected of Art majors not pursuing honors. Honors proposals will be evaluated in the fall by the Art Field Group, and qualifying students will advance to honors candidacy. 

In addition to their coursework and participation in ART 199 PZ – Senior Projects in Art, honors candidates will work closely with a member of the Art Field Group during the spring semester of their senior year to complete their honors project and participate in an oral defense with the Art Field Group faculty. 

Honors candidates who successfully complete their honors project and oral defense, and receive a grade of “A” for ART 199 PZ – Senior Projects in Art, will be recommended by the Art Field Group for honors.

Art Faculty

faculty portrait of bill anthem

Bill Anthes

  • Professor of Art
  • Art Field Group
portrait of tim berg

Timothy Berg

  • Professor of Art
  • Art Field Group
No profile image for Tamara Cedre

Tamara Cedre

  • Art Field Group
portrait of sarah gilbert

Sarah Gilbert

  • Associate Professor of Art
  • Art Field Group
portrait of jessica McCoy

Jessica McCoy

  • Professor of Art
  • Art Field Group

Contact Us

faculty portrait of bill anthem
Bill Anthes
  • Professor of Art
  • Art Field Group

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  • Bachelor of Arts


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